Please consider how this part would link through up to Southern Cross Station, as it would be a wonderful way to end a workday walking through greenery rather than dodging traffic.
The Greenline Project – Informing The Greenline Project Master Plan Community Engagement
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Would love to see a market style, traders shed, some dining hall in this area, would be a draw card potentially and improve foot traffic for local business also.
This is such a neglected and poorly used area at the moment and the visualisations look like it will really invigorate local and tourist visitation and usage as well as improve the river ecology and provide more green spaces.
Recommend increased vegetation and improved lighting underneath Princes Bridge as it can be unsafe at night and visually unattractive.
This is an important cycling corridor and simply widening the path without explicit cycling lanes would only mean pedestrians walk in wider areas.
It's essential for people to feel the connection to the river and the land surrounding it.
Maybe include some small shelter areas as the weather in Melbourne is quite exciting and changeable.
Collins Wharf Park looks more interesting as a destination with more natural environment and scope to learn about culture etc.
I especially love the wetland vegetation and would enjoy walking through there and seeing fauna living in that habitat.
I am excited by the idea of creating and restoring wetlands areas. Making previously inaccessible river frontage usable is wonderful.